A Resolute King
Other sermons in the series

1 Samuel Chapter One

Rejoicing in the Reigning King

Two Houses, One Sovereign

From the Valley to the Summit

Departed Glory

Fallen Facedown

A Temporary Return

The Rejected King

The Beginning of the End

An Imperfect Instrument

The Cycle Continues

A Solemn Warning

Rejected Word and Regretting God

Seeing As God Sees

Uncomfortably Sovereign

Israel's New Champion

The Success and Songs of David

Running and Writing

In God I Trust

Deliver Me, O Lord!

Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit

My Soul Thirsts For You

The Reign of the Lord's Anointed

The Psalm of the Cross

David's Fall

The Sinner's Guide

Who Wants a Nathan?

A Spiritual Alphabet: Delighting in God's Word

The Peaceful Shepherd

Bless the Lord, O My Soul